This was an APRIL FOOL's Joke!!
No, there is no such thing as a Genki Pill!!

Ever feel like you need a boost in the morning?

3 cups of coffee still not enough to make you genki?

Ever wonder how the Genki English team can be soooo genki, all the time?

Worry no more, The NEW Genki Pill is just for you!!

I've been waiting months to bring you this, the key to being Genki and have had to wait for today for the patents and health and safety people to give me the OK! But now it's all ready to go!

Just take one tablet in the morning and stay genki for the whole week!!!

No need to sleep, no need to rest! Brilliant genki lessons all week!

Plus coming soon: "Instant English Pill" - just one tablet to get fluent in English!!!

To order your pills NOW, simply fill out this form, starting with today's date!!


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