Page in JapaneseESL, EFL English language teaching site for teachers of elementary and primary school children. Free ESL MP3 songs, free ESL games and teacher training in Japanese

Easter Egg Hunt!

Target English: Easter, garden and house words
Target grade: Kindergarten to Elem 4

You can find this song in the Teacher's Set and check out the games below.

Click the pictures and hear them talk!
Easter Egg Hunt

It's an egg hunt,
An Easter egg hunt.
It's an egg hunt,
An Easter egg hunt.

Look in the trees.
Look in the grass.
Look in the pond.
Look in the flowers.

It's an egg hunt,
An Easter egg hunt.
It's an egg hunt,
An Easter egg hunt.

Look in the bath.
Look in the bed.
Look in the fridge.
Look in me!
Oh no!

It's an egg hunt,
An Easter egg hunt.
It's an egg hunt,
An Easter egg hunt.
Owners Club
Bonus Materials...

A4 Flashcards
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Mini Cards
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Progress Sheet /
Classroom Poster

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Lesson Plan

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Dice Game
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Spaghetti Game
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Islands Game
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Snakes & Ladders
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Owners Club Members can click on the pictures above to print them out

Until now there hasn't been a Genki English Easter theme. This is because Genki English is mainly used in elementary schools, where in most countries Easter is a holiday. But I've had many requests from teachers who teach English privately for something a little special for this time of year! Ever willing to help people out, here it is!

As this theme is more likely to be used with younger and smaller groups of kids I've slowed it right down, and made it a little lighter than the other songs. This song also tells a story of looking for an Easter Egg in various different places and has a nice little twist at the end which younger kids should find amusing! It's a great starting point for learning garden and around the house words, and it's a great springboard to getting the kids to either make up their own versions of the song or indeed a real Easter Egg Hunt!

Oh, and don't forget to teach the younger kids the dangers of playing near water!

This theme was added to the site at the request of teachers like yourself, so if you have any comments, feedback, or other requests then please let me know!

Picture Book

Easter Egg Hunt

Recommended Games

Whilst you can use any of the vocab review games, why not have a go at "Mini-Karuta". This is the same as the normal karuta expect you put the kids into groups, and they lay out the mini cards on their desks. You shout out a word and the first one to touch it keeps the card!

Or you could print out two sheets for each group and play the matching pairs game!

Chocolate Monster:

1. Put the picture book pages on the board.
2. On the back of each is a number. On the back of two of them is a "Chocolate Monster".
3. One team asks "Look in the grass. Is it in the grass?" etc.
4. Look on the back, the team gets that many Easter eggs.
5. But if the Chocolate Monster is there he eats all the Easter eggs ( points) they've collected so far!

Colouring Easter Eggs:

Either real eggs or drawn on a piece of paper, shout out the colours to put on the egg. Also good for names of shapes e.g. "Draw a red square", "Draw an orange circle" etc.

Prepositions Easter Egg Hunt:

Hide a real Easter egg somewhere in the classroom. You ask the kids "Where's the Easter egg?". The kids reply with "Is it under/on/near/next to the ....". You reply with "Warmer or Colder" depending on how near they are. The winner gets to keep the egg ( and share with their friends of course!).

Do you have a pink egg?
Try the "Do you have ...?" game ( ) but have the kids collect different coloured Easter eggs.

How many eggs?:
Fill a big jar with mini Easter eggs and ask the kids how many are in the jar. Great for big numbers! Or you could use it for practising weights and measures, e.g. "How many grams do you think it is?". The How many? song is here.

Broken Easter Eggs:
Try a similar game to the Valentine's Broken Hearts game ( ) But instead of broken hearts, have broken Easter Eggs!

Spot the Difference Worksheet

Imagination Worksheets

There's also a great Easter page in the Imagination Worksheets
(What's are they?)

Plus of course you can play all the usual Genki English games with the Easter A4 cards and mini cards.
If you are a VIP member you can print out the mini-cards by clicking on the picture on the right.

If you haven't purchased the Teacher's Set yet, you can do so today and be able to download all the material from this page very soon.

Enjoy, have a Happy Easter and be genki,


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