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Halloween: Apple Bobbing!

Target English: How to explain "Apple Bobbing" in English!
Target grade: All ages
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"Apple Bobbing"
by Richard Graham

Apple bobbing x6
We're apple,
Apple bobbing

Here's a bowl
(here's a bowl)
Add some water
(add some water)
and some apples
(and some apples)
Let's play!
(let's play)

Apple Bobbing x6
We're apple,
Apple Bobbing

How do we play?

Eat the apples
(eat the apples)
With your mouth
(with your mouth)
No no!
(no no?)
No hands!
(no hands!)

Apple bobbing x6
We're apple,
Apple bobbing
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You've tried the main Happy Halloween song, and this song is a great follow up. I'm sure you must have played this game as a kid? It's also a great activity for a Halloween or Autumn party. Even if you don't do Halloween as a theme, it works great with Guy Fawkes night or a general Harvest Festival.

Using the song makes it really easy to introduce the rules of the game and is a great set piece for a parent's day or kids' show.

You can get this song in the Teacher's Set

How to teach...

1. The teacher sings each line whilst miming the gesture.
2. The kids repeat whilst miming!

or if you have two teachers, the two teachers take it in turns to sing each line at the front of the class, hence introducing the game.

Recommended Game

I don't think I really need to explain this!
But just in case you haven't played it before, here's how NOT to bob for apples!

Just make sure you have lots of water, apples and water proof mats for the floor.

Here's a photo from Margit's Halloween Party:

Happy Halloween!

There are also my other Hallowe'en Ideas, the Happy Halloween song and the...

Halloween Picture Book

Happy Halloween

Readers' Comments

Great song to use during the game but for those that are not able to do apple bobbing because the school may have a rule about water in the classroom(I had it happen to me a few times) or something quirky like that try candy bobbing. First run string across the room (at the kids eye level)and attach candy all along the string. Now the kids have to pull the candy off without using their hands. Its just as hard as bobbing for apples, cool!
by Cesar.

I'm sorry, I don't understand the link between halloween and apple bobbing? I'm French, I know the game but why at halloween ? by  Sevy
Good question Sevy. I don't think there's any direct link, it's just that apple bobbing is usually played at apple harvest time, which just happens to coincide with Halloween in the States and Bonfire Night in the UK, so over time they've become associated with each other! - Richard

You can get this song in the Teacher's Set

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